Community Events & Programs
Stay up to date on all our programs and events!
All our community events and programs are free of charge to members of the English-speaking community.
We encourage you to register or sign up for any events that you may be interested in!
English Trivia Night
Come test your knowledge with ECO-02 at our popular English Trivia nights! Six rounds of 10 questions and prizes for the top teams!
Where: Maison Pour tous, 2182 rue Bonneau, Jonquière
Space is limited so please register today!
Senior Wellness Yoga
Join ECO-02 and our wonderful instructor Tracy for a relaxing one-hour session of meditative, adaptable Yoga to help you increase your mobility and enhance your mindfulness.
Where: Centre Nazaire, 6197 rue Notre Dame, Laterrière
Space is limited so please register today!
Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) ECO-02 (English Community Organization Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean) will be held on Thursday, September 07, 2023, at 6:30 pm.
Purpose for meeting:
Approval of the minutes of the last AGM held on September 13, 2022
President’s Annual Report
Executive Director’s Annual Report
Annual Financial Report from Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
2023-2024 ECO-02 Budget as NPI – core funding
New Grants and projects for ECO-02
By-Law proposed modifications.
Elections of Board of Directors
2691 RUE DE La Salle, J onquière, QC G7S 2A8
(The bar will be open after the meeting. This is a cash only bar.)
On behalf of the ECO-02 Board of Directors, thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing all our Active Members at this AGM. There will be a Social Event after the AGM.
Debbie Ford-Caron, ECO-02 President
English Trivia Night
Come test your knowledge with ECO-02 and Soirée de jeux - Café Ludique at our popular English Trivia nights! Six rounds of 10 questions and prizes for the top teams!
Where: Soirée de jeux - 115 rue Racine E, Chicoutimi
Space is limited so please register today!